The CFP&I promotes research and education in the area of financial planning and investment.
We have brought together many learning resources to make this site the one place for most consumers to find the information they really need to understand financial planning topics.
Many members of the CFP&I team speak to community groups, conferences, and trade shows on a wide variety of personal financial planning and investment topics. If you would like to arrange for a speaker from the CFP&I for your conference or meeting, please email us at cfpi@csun.edu.
The Center is funded by donations and grants and we appreciate your support. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to help support the Center’s activities, please contact Matt Rinnert at 818.677.3621 or by email at matt.rinnert@csun.edu.
If you are in the Financial Planning and Investment industry and are interested in joining one of our advisory boards, or if you are a scholar in the area of Personal Financial Planning and Investment and are interested in becoming a member of the CFP&I, please contact us at cfpi@csun.edu.